Easy read
Welcome to the easy read section of our website.
Our easy-read booklets
Browse our leaflets and booklets for more information about our services in our hospitals and in the community.
Audiology (hearing) service to help with your ears
Why you need a hearing test and how our audiology team can help you.
Audiology or hearing department visit at Guy's Hospital
What happens when you visit the hospital to have your ears and hearing checked.
Community nurses
How our nurses can help you look after your health if you live in Southwark, Lambeth or Lewisham.
Complaining or making a comment
How to use our patient advice and liaison service (PALS) to give feedback about us.
Dental – after your tooth has been removed
What to expect and how to care for yourself after your tooth has been removed.
Dental – your first appointment to have your teeth checked
What happens when you come for your first dental appointment to have your teeth checked.
Hand washing and cleaning
How to keep your hands clean and why this helps to keep you safe.
Hospital passport
A form for you to fill in that gives hospital staff information about your needs.
Learning disability health team
How our team helps people with their health and wellbeing in Southwark, Lambeth and Lewisham.
Occupational therapy
How our team helps you do things that you need to do and learn new skills.
Radiotherapy – having radiotherapy
Information about radiotherapy and planning your treatment.
Radiotherapy – how you feel after radiotherapy
Side effects of radiotherapy treatment.
Speech and language therapy
How our team helps if you find it hard to understand things or tell other people things.
Spiritual healthcare team
How our team helps with your spiritual or religious needs, and where we can visit you.
Welcome to our hospital – information about your stay
What happens when you come to stay in Guy's Hospital or St Thomas' Hospital.