We provide diagnosis and treatment for diseases of the nervous system.
Neurology is a broad specialty covering lots of different conditions. Information on specific conditions can be found on the NHS website.
- Parkinson's disease
- Neurovascular
- Multiple sclerosis
- Huntington's disease
- Headaches
- Epilepsy
- Electro-encephalography (EEG) and electromyography (EMG) services
- Neuroradiology including MRI and PET scanning
- Neuromuscular respiratory services, including treatment of Guillain-Barré syndrome
- Specialist inpatient services including our Lane Fox unit for respiratory failure and sleep disorders centre
Health information
The Brain Charity helps people with all types of neurological conditions.
The Neurological Alliance, provides information and support for people with neurological conditions.
Sue Ryder supports people living with a neurological condition.
Our consultants
Matthew Evans
Josh Hersheson
Paul Holmes
Robin Howard
Alexander Nesbitt
Rupert Oliver
Una Sheerin
Andrew Thompson
Victoria Williams
We have various clinics available to help you.
Location: outpatient centre, Gassiot House, St Thomas’ Hospital, Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7EH
Opening times: daily
This clinic offers face-to-face and telephone consultations by appointment only. It is led by our consultants.
Phone: 020 7188 1029
Support and monitoring for people with NF2, including annual tests and advice between appointments.
Location: outpatient centre, Gassiot House, St Thomas’ Hospital, Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7EH
Opening times: weekly
This clinic is by appointment only. It is led by consultants Dr Matthew Evans and Dr Jennifer Spillane.
Location: outpatient centre, Gassiot House, St Thomas’ Hospital, Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7EH
Opening times: weekly
This clinic is by appointment only. It offers face-to-face consultations for new patients and follow-up appointments. It is led by consultant Dr Paul Holmes.
Opening times: weekly
This clinic is by appointment only. It is led by consultant Dr Alexander Rossor.
Location: Lane Fox outpatient clinic, ground floor, South Wing, St Thomas' Hospital, Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7EH
Lane Fox unit: 020 7188 3431
Neurology department: 020 7188 8883
Opening times: twice monthly
This clinic offers telephone and face-to-face consultations by appointment only. It is led by consultant Dr Robin Howard.
This clinic is for people and families with neurofibromatosis or schwannomatosis.
Location: neurofibromatosis centre, first floor, Southwark Wing, Guy’s Hospital, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT
Phone: 020 7188 1029
Online and face-to-face support for people aged 16 or over whose condition is affecting their mood or quality of life. The clinic is run by psychologists who offer talking therapy for difficult feelings and living with a condition. Please speak to any member of the NF team.
Research and clinical trials
Research is vital to improving the care that you receive when you're unwell. You can help improve healthcare by taking part in research studies at our Trust. During your appointment, ask your healthcare professional about research. They'll be happy to tell you about research studies you could be eligible to join.
Last updated: May 2023