Our rheumatology department is one of the largest departments in the UK.
We diagnose and treat:
- arthritis causing inflammation, such as rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis
- lupus and other connective tissue diseases, such as vasculitis and myositis
- metabolic bone diseases, such as complex osteoporosis. These conditions make bones weak and more likely to break
- inflammatory spinal disease
Our team includes:
- consultants
- advanced nurse practitioners
- clinical nurse specialists
- physiotherapists
- psychologists
- pharmacists
- infusion suite nurses
- nursing assistants
- administrative and management staff
Our lupus team runs clinics with our cardiology, dermatology, kidney and neurology services.
We also provide a young adults rheumatology service to help with the move from children's to adult services.
We run a number of specialist clinics.
Health information
Read about what to expect when starting on biologic or advanced therapy for your autoimmune condition.
Our consultants
Sangita Agarwal, consultant rheumatologist
Rachel Byng-Maddick, consultant rheumatologist
Matthew Brown, consultant rheumatologist
Andrew Cope, consultant rheumatologist
David D'Cruz, consultant rheumatologist
Michelle Fernando, consultant rheumatologist
Toby Garrood, consultant rheumatologist
Frances Humby, consultant rheumatologist
Bruce Kirkham, consultant rheumatologist
Begona Lopez, consultant rheumatologist
Bina Menon, consultant rheumatologist
Nora Ng, consultant rheumatologist
Charles Raine, consultant rheumatologist
Giovanni Sanna, consultant rheumatologist
Sujith Subesinghe, consultant rheumatologist
Tim Vyse, consultant rheumatologist
Frances Williams, professor of genomic epidemiology and honorary consultant rheumatologist
Research and clinical trials
Research is vital to improving the care that you receive when you're unwell. You can help improve healthcare by taking part in research studies at our Trust. During your appointment, ask your healthcare professional about research. They'll be happy to tell you about research studies you could be eligible to join.
You can also email lupusrheumatologyresearch@gstt.nhs.uk for more information.
Last updated: April 2024