
Phone: 020 7188 1321

Patient queries email:

Referrals and other clinical requests email:

How to find us

Evelina London cleft service (PDF 219KB)
1st floor, South Wing
St Thomas' Hospital
Westminster Bridge Road
London SE1 7EH

This department is only accessible from lift/staircase C.

Map of First Floor, South Wing, St Thomas' Hospital (PDF 219Kb) 

Cleft services

Cleft lip and palate centre for the south east

Our team of healthcare professionals provide specialist care for children and adults with a cleft lip or palate in south London, Kent, Surrey and Sussex. We also provide care in parts of Hampshire, as well as Jersey, Malta and Gibraltar.

Outpatient clinics are held at St Thomas' Hospital and at our 5 regional outreach clinics. Surgery is carried out at Evelina London or at Guy's Hospital (our twin site).

Support our cleft service

Our cleft charity fund is open to donations and we're grateful for any contributions, large or small. All funds go towards improving patient care and the experience of our patients at the Evelina London cleft service.

Donations can be made by a cheque made out to 'Guy’s & St Thomas’ Foundation’ 

Please post your cheque to:
Evelina London cleft service
St Thomas' Hospital
1st floor, South Wing
Westminster Bridge Road
London SE1 7EH


Phone: 020 7188 1321

Patient queries email:

Referrals and other clinical requests email:

How to find us

Evelina London cleft service (PDF 219KB)
1st floor, South Wing
St Thomas' Hospital
Westminster Bridge Road
London SE1 7EH

This department is only accessible from lift/staircase C.

Map of First Floor, South Wing, St Thomas' Hospital (PDF 219Kb)