Council of Governors elections 2025
Council of Governors
- Overview
- Who our governors are
- Current page section : Council of Governors elections 2025
- Meetings
- Agenda and papers
At Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, our governors play a key role in representing the views of our patient, public and staff members. They make sure that our services meet the needs of our patients and members of public.
If you have an interest in our Trust and want to help us continue to deliver the best possible care to our patients, please stand for election as a governor.
Vacancies for governor seats:
- 1 seat in the patient carer class
- 3 in the Guy's and St Thomas' patient class
- 3 in the public constituency area around Guy's and St Thomas' Hospitals class
- 1 in the public constituency area around Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals class
- 1 in the public constituency area for the rest of England and Wales class
- 2 in the Guy's and St Thomas' non-clinical staff class
All posts will start in summer 2025.
Terms of office
The Trust constitution states that a governor is elected for a period of 3 years. They have the opportunity to stand for re-election for 2 further terms of 3 years.
To be eligible to stand for election and/or vote, you must be a member of the Trust before the close of nominations. All members will receive information about how to stand and/or vote for election by email or in the post.
Nominations will open from 27 February to 27 March 2025.
In order to stand for election, you must:
- be a member of the Trust before the close of nominations, Wednesday 27 March 2025
- be a member of the constituency in which you wish to stand
- complete and submit a nomination form
We encourage people of all backgrounds and experiences to put themselves forward. We want to make sure the voice of our Council of Governors is representative of the diverse communities that we serve.
Voting will open on Tuesday 22 April to Monday 19 May 2025.
It is important that your voice is heard and we hope all members will vote in the elections when voting opens.
In order to receive a ballot paper people need to be members of the Trust by the close of nominations, Wednesday 27 March 2025.
All eligible members will receive the election material and are entitled to vote within their constituency.
Results will be announced on Wednesday 21 May 2025.
Become a member
If you would like to become a member, please complete our online membership form.
Email [email protected] with any questions about the election process or how to become a member.
Governor awareness sessions
Join an online governor awareness session to find out what it means to be a governor and the skills you need.