During surgery
Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) open repair surgery
Open repair surgery replaces the weak section of the aorta (the aneurysm) with a piece of manmade tubing (a graft). This operation is successful in most cases. The graft usually works well for the rest of your life.
Having a general anaesthetic or epidural
You have a general anaesthetic or epidural for this operation and should not feel any pain.
If you have a general anaesthetic, we put a small needle (cannula) in the back of your hand. We inject the anaesthetic through the needle and you are asleep in a few seconds.
Read more about having a general anaesthetic.
We give you an epidural through a thin tube (catheter) that goes into your back using a needle.
Read more about having an epidural.
What happens during open repair surgery
Your surgeon makes a cut in your tummy (abdomen). Sometimes, we need to make a smaller cut in your groin or 1 on both sides. The groin is the area between your inner thigh and tummy.
We replace the part of your aorta that has the aneurysm with a manmade piece of artery (a graft). Then we close the cut with stitches or metal clips:
- Stitches. If you have stitches, these are most likely to be dissolvable and will not need removing. If they do need removing, we arrange this 10 to 14 days after surgery.
- Metal clips. If you have metal clips, we arrange for these to be removed about 10 days after surgery.