National Haemophilia Database

Bleeding disorders

We routinely submit essential information about all our registered patients with bleeding disorders to the UK National Haemophilia Database (NHD).

The NHD was established in 1968 and holds information on all people registered with a bleeding disorder within the UK. It is managed by the UK Haemophilia Centre Doctor’s Organisation (UKHCDO). There are 2 aims, and these are to:

  • report back to the NHS to support disease monitoring and healthcare planning
  • support research into bleeding disorders, complications, and treatment outcomes, to improve future care

All data is held securely, and any data that is shared with any third party has any identifying details removed. The UKHCDO have approval from the Department of Health and the Health Research Authority to collect, process and store patient data without consent. However, you can opt out of your data being used for research activity.

Resource number 4848/VER2
Last reviewed: June 2024
Next review due: June 2027

Contact us

In office hours (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, but not bank holidays)

Haemophilia department, phone: 020 7188 2781 (option 4 for all bleeding disorders)

Haemophilia nurses, phone: 020 7188 2790 or 07764 656 460 or email: [email protected]

Haemophilia physiotherapist, phone: 07784 360426


At evenings, weekends and bank holidays

Call the hospital switchboard, phone: 020 7188 7188 and ask to speak to the haematology on-call registrar.

Do you have any comments or concerns about your care?

Contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

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