Living with a cochlear implant

Cochlear implant

Our team have developed a series of short videos showing a range of patients’ experiences with their cochlear implant.

Dale's journey with a cochlear implant

Dale received his cochlear implant at 29 years of age. He had been deaf since childhood and wore hearing aids, but his hearing got worse over time. He talks about his own unique journey of listening with a cochlear implant.

He shares with us the impact of his profound deafness, his decision to have a cochlear implant, his early experiences of listening through a cochlear implant, rehabilitating his listening and the benefits and limitations of his cochlear implant.

Kay's journey with a cochlear implant

Kay received her cochlear implant when she was 54 years old as she had become progressively deaf from the age of 30. She talks about her own unique journey of listening with a cochlear implant.

She shares with us the impact of her profound deafness, her decision to have a cochlear implant, her early experiences of listening through a cochlear implant, rehabilitating her listening and the benefits and limitations of her cochlear implant.

Les' journey with a cochlear implant

Les received his cochlear implant at 79 years of age as he became progressively deaf over the last 26 years. He talks about his own unique journey of listening with a cochlear implant.

He shares with us the impact of his profound deafness, his decision to have a cochlear implant, his early experiences of listening through a cochlear implant, rehabilitating his listening and the benefits and limitations of his cochlear implant.

Glyn's journey with a cochlear implant

Glyn gradually became progressively deaf from the age of eight and he received his cochlear implant in 2015. He talks about his own unique journey of listening with a cochlear implant.

He shares with us the impact of his profound deafness, his decision to have a cochlear implant, his early experiences of listening through a cochlear implant, rehabilitating his listening and the benefits and limitations of his cochlear implant.

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