Preparation with Omnipaque

CT enema scan - Overview

Important - only follow these instructions if:

  • you are taking Omnipaque as preparation before your scan.

You have been asked to take a liquid dye (Omnipaque), which 'tags' poo that is left in your bowel so it can be seen on the CT scan. This is known as faecal tagging.

You should have received your appointment letter and 2 small bottles of Omnipaque.

Omnipaque is a liquid dye that you drink. The liquid dye shows up on the CT scan of your bowel, helping the doctor to read the scan.

Most of the dye is not taken in by the body, and gets mixed with the poo in your large bowel. The dye will eventually be passed out of your body in your poo.

Making changes to your diet

You have also been asked to make some changes to your diet the day before your scan.

You should only have small meals made up of low residue foods before your scan.

This will help the Omnipaque work properly.

Low residue foods

  • you can eat fats such as butter and margarine, only a small amount of these should be used
  • you can eat eggs, especially boiled and poached
  • you can eat cereals such as cornflakes and crisped rice cereal, but not bran
  • you can eat cream cheese, cottage cheese or cheese sauce
  • you can eat potatoes without the skin, boiled, creamed, mashed or baked, but not roasted or deep fried (chips)
  • you can eat plain white pasta, noodles or boiled rice
  • you can eat meat or fish
  • you can eat gravy made from stock cubes (white flour or corn flour can be used to thicken)
  • you can eat white bread or toast
  • you can eat sugar or sweetener
  • you can eat clear jelly

Food and drink to avoid

  • Do not eat vegetables
  • Do not eat fruit
  • Do not eat brown bread
  • Do not eat brown rice
  • Do not eat brown pasta
  • Do not eat jam
  • Do not eat nuts
  • Do not eat biscuits
  • Do not eat crisps
  • Do not drink alcohol

The day before your scan

Follow these instructions on how to prepare and when to take the Omnipaque. There are also examples of what you can eat and drink on the day before your scan.

Throughout the day drink plenty of clear fluids so you do not get dehydrated. For example water, squash, fizzy drinks, clear strained soup, clear stock. 

As a guide, try to drink about 1 glass every hour (during waking hours).

Signs that you are dehydrated include dizziness, headache and confusion.

People with diabetes or restricted diets for religious or ethical reasons should contact the CT nurse coordinator for dietary advice.

On the day of your CT scan

Read about what happens during and after having your CT scan

Resource number 3048/VER5
Published date: November 2023
Review date: November 2026

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