Your immunotherapy appointments

Oralvac Compact immunotherapy for allergies

An allergy specialist is the only person who can start your Oralvac Compact treatment. They give you your first dose and then monitor you for any side effects. Your allergy specialist decides if you should continue with the treatment. 

The timetable for your first appointment and any more appointments depends on what type of allergy you have.

Review appointment

Your allergy specialist gives you a date for a review appointment. This is about 6 months after starting Oralvac Compact. 

At your review appointment, you complete a questionnaire about your quality of life. We use this to check how your treatment is helping and if you need to continue it.

If the medicine helps your symptoms, you will keep taking it for 3 years. You need an appointment with the allergy specialist every 6 months. They can then check your response to treatment and give you more medicine.

If your symptoms do not get better, you might stop the treatment.

Resource number: 4406
Last reviewed: July 2022
Next review: July 2025

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