Having surgery for a pterygium


If you have a pterygium, you might be recommended surgery to remove it. This usually depends on the symptoms you are having. 

Benefits of surgery

Surgery to remove the pterygium will reduce the symptoms, such as eye irritation. It can also improve your vision and the appearance of your eye.

Risks of surgery

The main risk is that the pterygium will regrow. This happens in 5 to 10 people out of every 100. If this happens you might need to have it removed again.  

There is a risk of infection, but this can be treated.

There is a risk of scarring to your eye. This will be explained before you agree to the procedure.

We want to involve you in decisions about your care and treatment. If you decide to go ahead, you will be asked to sign a consent form. This states that you understand what the treatment involves and you agree to have it. 

Read more about our consent process

Preparing for surgery

The surgery can be done using a local or a general anaesthetic.

A local anaesthetic numbs a specific part of your body so it is pain free.

A general anaesthetic will make you unconscious (asleep) throughout the procedure. It is given through a small injection in the back of your hand. An anaesthetist will stay with you and monitor you during your surgery.

Your appointment letter will tell you where to go and what time you need to be there.

During surgery

A nurse will put an anaesthetic drop into your affected eye. The operation involves removing the conjunctival tissue over the cornea. To try and prevent the pterygium re-growing, this is often combined with grafting a free flap of adjacent conjunctiva over the bare area of the white of the eye (sclera). 

Some surgeons also use a chemical called mitomycin-C to help stop the pterygium from re-growing. This is dabbed onto your eye. If your surgeon is planning to use mitomycin-C, this will be fully explained to you before you sign the consent form.

The surgery usually takes 20 to 30 minutes.

Taking an unlicensed medicine

Using mitomycin-C for this condition is unlicensed. This means that although the manufacturer of the medicine has not specified it can be used in this way, there is evidence that it may be of benefit.

You can read our information about unlicensed medicines

Pain during surgery

You might feel a little pain when you are given the anaesthetic injection, but you should not feel any pain during the operation. 

After your surgery

You will be taken back to the ward where the nurses will look after you. They will give you painkillers if you are in any pain.

Leaving hospital

If you had a local anaesthetic, you should be able to leave the hospital right after surgery.

If you had a general anaesthetic, you will need to stay in hospital until you have fully recovered from the effects of the anaesthetic. This will probably be 3 to 4 hours. During this time, the nurses will monitor your progress. You will also be given a drink and some food. 

Whichever type of anaesthetic you have, you will need to have someone to accompany you home.

You will have a pad covering your eye which you will need to leave in place for 24 hours. You will be given an appointment for the day after your surgery to come back to hospital and have the pad removed.

Your eye will probably feel sore for 3 to 7 days after surgery. You will be prescribed antibiotic and steroid eye drops to use for a few weeks after surgery, once the pad is removed. Your eye will be red for 6 to 12 weeks, and then will settle.

If you usually wear contact lenses, the eye specialist will tell you when you can start to wear them again.

Advice if you had a general anaesthetic

If you had a general anaesthetic, it is important that you follow the advice below for your safety.

Although you might feel fine, your reasoning, reflexes, judgement, coordination and skill can be affected for 48 hours after your surgery.

Rest at home for at least 24 hours after the surgery. Do not go to work or school on the day after your surgery. Follow the advice and instructions that the doctors and nurses have given to you.

For 48 hours after the surgery: 

Do not

  • do not drive any vehicle, including a bicycle
  • do not operate any machinery 
  • do not attempt to cook, use sharp utensils or pour hot or boiling liquids
  • do not drink alcohol
  • do not smoke
  • do not take sleeping tablets 
  • do not make any important decisions or sign any contracts

What to look out for at home

Occasionally, you could get an infection in the eye. This will cause redness and pain. If this happens you should call the eye department.

Returning to normal activities

You should be able to go back to work within a few days, as long as you feel well enough. You can bathe or shower as normal, but you should avoid swimming for 2 weeks. This is because of a risk of infection.

Follow-up appointments

You will need to come back to the hospital the day after your operation so we can check on your recovery and remove your eye pad. You will then be given an appointment for 1 month later, and another for 3 months later.

Resource number: 2168/VER6
Last reviewed: August 2022
Next review due: August 2025 

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