After your treatment

Total skin electron beam therapy

Your doctor will give you information about your care after you have finished your course of TSEBT.

You should follow the advice about looking after your skin

You might need extra treatments to certain areas of your body. Your doctor will tell you if this is needed.

Follow-up appointments 

You should also have a follow-up appointment to see your oncologist and dermatologist. The radiographers will give you further information about your follow-up appointment.

Psychological support

Many people feel unable to cope with what is happening to them, and feel anxious or depressed. It can be helpful to know that most people find these feelings ease with time.

Discuss your concerns with any of the staff that are involved in your treatment, as well as your family and friends. You might also find that you are asking yourself lots of questions. Talking to other people can help you to find the answers.

You can also be referred to see a clinical psychologist. Their aim is to help you live better with the diagnosis, and to reduce any distress.  If you would like to talk to the clinical psychologist, you can ask your doctor or clinical nurse specialist (CNS) to refer you, or provide you with further information.

More information 

Macmillan Cancer Support

Lymphoma Action 

Resource number: 0602/VER6
Last reviewed: January 2024
Next review due: January 2027

Contact us

If you have any questions about total skin electron beam therapy (TSEBT), please contact:

Radiotherapy reception, phone: 020 7188 7188 extension 57542 or 57569

The skin cancer clinical nurse specialists team, phone: 020 7188 4901

Outside normal hours, please contact the main switchboard, phone: 020 7188 7188 and ask for ‘operator’ or press 0. Ask for the on-call clinical oncology registrar. Or you can contact the acute oncology service on phone: 0207 188 3754

Do you have any comments or concerns about your care?

Contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

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