On the day of your VCE of the large bowel

Video capsule endoscopy of the large bowel

Follow these instructions before your appointment.

  • Keep drinking clear fluids. You can drink clear fluids up to 3 hours before your appointment.
  • You must not eat at all (including gum, sweets and mints).
  • Essential medicines can be taken with water, but only before 6am.
  • Non-essential medicines can wait until you have a snack at lunchtime.
  • If you have diabetes, check with the nurse if you can take your morning medicines.
  • Do not smoke until after your endoscopy. If you think this might be difficult for you, please speak to your GP or nurse for advice.

Bowel preparation medicine

If you are prescribed Plenvu

On the morning of the procedure, at 6am:

  1. Put the second sachet of A and B Plenvu into 500ml of water.
  2. Stir the solution until the Plenvu has dissolved.
  3. In a separate container, pour an additional 500ml of clear fluid (water, clear soup, tea or coffee without milk, or any other clear fluid). The clear fluid helps with the taste, and prevents dehydration. 
  4. Alternate drinking both solutions (the Plenvu solution and clear fluid). Consume the solution within 60 to 90 minutes. 

If you are prescribed MoviPrep

On the morning of the procedure at 6am:

  1. Empty the second sachet of A and B MoviPrep into 1 litre of water.
  2. Stir the solution until the MoviPrep has dissolved.
  3. Drink the solution over the next 60 to 90 minutes.

At your appointment

Please be on time. If you are going to be late, please call the reception desk in case the appointment has to be rescheduled.

Please wear a loose top that buttons up or zips up at the front.

We will place a sensor belt or sensor array and recorder pouch on you.

We will give you the video capsule to swallow with water.

The video capsule real-time viewer will be used to check the pictures, and to make sure the capsule is recording well before you leave the hospital.

After swallowing the video capsule

Please follow these instructions carefully. The recorder will alert you. There are 5 alerts. Pease follow these instructions depending on which alert you get.  

Alert Action
  • Take a 1mg prucalopride tablet. This medicine helps to empty your bowel.
  • Do not eat or drink anything until you get the next alert.
  • Drink the first booster laxative (30ml sodium phosphate mixed with 50ml of Gastrografin® in a glass of water).
  • After drinking the solution, continue to drink 1 litre of water over the next hour and wait for the next alert.

3 hours later you might get another alert. If you do get this alert:

  • drink the second booster laxative (15ml sodium phosphate mixed with 50ml Gastrografin in a glass of water)
  • After drinking the solution, continue to drink about 500ml of water over the next hour to stay hydrated

2 hours later, you might get another alert. If you do get this alert:

  • put a 10mg bisacodyl suppository into your bottom and let it dissolve. This is a laxative that causes bowel movements

2 hours later, you might get another alert. If you do get this alert:

  • eat a light meal (for example, a small sandwich or small baked potato with filling)
  • drink lots of clear fluids while you wait for the final ‘end of procedure’ alert
End of procedure alert

When you get this alert, the VCE is complete. This alert can happen any time after Alert 1.

  • Remove the equipment. Sit down on a sofa or bed to do this, so nothing drops to the floor.
  • If you are using the sensor array, gently peel the non-adhesive tabs.
  • Do not pull the wires or remove the sensors from the sleeves.
  • Return the equipment to the endoscopy unit at St. Thomas Hospital the next day.


After your VCE

Your consultant will send a capsule review report and summary letter to you and your GP. This can take up to 4 weeks.

If you do not pass the capsule

If you have not passed the capsule within 7 days, please call the capsule endoscopy nurse or capsule practitioner on duty. If it is out of hours call the on-call gastroenterology doctor.

Alternatively, you can take a one-off dose of laxative, such as senna tablets. You can buy get these from a pharmacy.

You must not have an MRI examination until you have passed the capsule.

Contact your hospital team if:

  • you have tummy pain that is getting worse
  • your tummy is swelling
  • you are being sick

Contacting us about your results

For information about the capsule consultant report review, summary letter and gastro review outcome, phone: 020 7188 8887 extension 40407 or 40331 or email: gst-tr.gastroenterologyofficestaff@nhs.net

For surgical review outcome, phone: 020 7188 8887 ext 86475

Resource number: 5264/VER4
Date published: August 2024 
Review date: August 2027

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