
Our strategy and values

Our strategy and values set out who we are, what we're going to do and how we're going to do it.

We'll do this together across our 5 hospitals and in the community in Lambeth and Southwark.

Our strategy – better, faster, fairer healthcare for all

Our strategy to 2030 is to deliver ‘better, faster, fairer healthcare for all’. It sets out our ambitious plans to advance health and wellbeing as leaders in clinical care, education, research and innovation.

Over the next few years, we will not only respond to the challenges we face but also begin to build a better future for our patients, staff, and communities.

To find out more about our plans, take a look at our strategy to 2030 – better, faster, fairer healthcare for all.

Our values

We are caring, ambitious and inclusive – these values guide us in everything we do and are central to how we deliver our plans.

Find out more about our values and what they mean to our organisation and the people we care for.

Our strategy to 2030 film

Watch our short film for a quick overview of how our new strategy to 2030 will deliver better, fairer, faster healthcare for all.

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