Ebola - we are prepared
Tuesday 21 October 2014
Patients and visitors will be aware of the growing humanitarian crisis in West Africa due to Ebola - and increasing concerns reported in the media about the potential of cases of Ebola being reported in the UK.
Chief Nurse Eileen Sills says: "I would like to reassure patients, visitors and staff that we have tried and tested plans and procedures in place for dealing with viruses such as Ebola. These have been updated in line with national guidance.
"Our A&E staff have regular training on this issue and we have run extra training sessions since the Ebola outbreak began to ensure our processes are robust.
"If a patient with suspected Ebola came to our A&E department at St Thomas' Hospital, we have the necessary facilities to provide assessment and care safely.
"If a patient was confirmed to have Ebola, they would be transferred to one of the dedicated national units which have the facilities and expertise needed for ongoing care."
Patients who have appointments at Guy's and St Thomas', and who have returned from Guinea, Liberia or Sierra Leone in the last 21 days - the maximum incubation period of the Ebola virus - will be asked to call the Trust's dedicated helpline before attending their appointment.
If patients come to the Trust, posters alert them to the fact that, if they have returned from Guinea, Liberia or Sierra Leone in the last 21 days and they feel unwell or have recently had a fever, they should inform staff immediately.
Information about Ebola is available at www.gov.uk/phe and www.nhs.uk/ebola.
Last updated: March 2022
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