Eye-catching name badges boost patient experience

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Eye-catching name badges boost patient experience

Bright yellow badges are being worn by staff at Guy’s and St Thomas’ so patients and visitors can easily see the names of the staff members they are speaking to.

The distinctive #hellomynameis badges are designed to be clearly visible and to remind staff of the importance of introducing themselves properly.

The badges were developed in the Trust’s Eye Department after a patient stated that they found it difficult to read the standard staff ID badges.

Sanjeev Heemraz, matron in the Eye Department, says: “Black text on a yellow background provides a better colour contrast – the retina finds it easier to distinguish between them, meaning the text is more readable.

“The colour contrast is in line with the recommendations of the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) and can help patients with visual impairment to identify staff names.

“Since introducing the badges we’ve been told by our patients that they’re much easier to read. They help to build trust and confidence and improve our patients’ experience of receiving care from us.”

The Trust supports the national #hellomynameis campaign for compassionate healthcare and is determined to ensure patients have a positive experience of receiving care.

All staff across Guy’s and St Thomas’ are now being asked to wear the yellow #hellomynameis badges to demonstrate their support for the campaign.

Amanda Millard, Director of Patient Experience, says: “We’re hugely grateful to our colleagues in the Eye Department for designing the badges.

“By wearing these eye-catching badges and ensuring they introduce themselves properly, staff are quickly establishing trust with patients. This is so important for ensuring patients have a positive experience of receiving care here.”


Last updated: March 2022

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