Hero porter among CARE award winners

Wednesday 23 August 2023

Photo shows Faycal Lasri and Charles Alexander at the CARE awards. They are both smiling.

A brave hospital porter who stepped in to help a member of the public who was greatly distressed and very fearful for their safety has received an award for his courage. 

Faycal Lasri, who has worked at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust for about 12 years, witnessed a serious incident and immediately stepped in to help. 

Faycal, 37, said: “It was scary but at the time I didn’t think about it, I just wanted to help. A lot of people say I was stupid to get involved but I would do the same thing if it happened again.”

Faycal was one of six winners of the Trust’s latest CARE awards which are presented to teams and individuals who have shown the highest standards in courtesy, attitude, respect and enthusiasm. 

The awards celebrate those who have gone the extra mile to provide exceptional care for patients, or made a real difference to the way their colleagues work. They are open to staff and volunteers from any of our hospitals and community sites, in clinical and non-clinical roles. Nominations can be made by patients, visitors and staff.

Photo shows Dr Paul Weldon, principal clinical psychologist at Royal Brompton Hospital, with Charles Alexander at the CARE awards

Dr Paul Weldon, principal clinical psychologist at Royal Brompton Hospital, won a CARE award after being nominated by a patient’s parent. They said his work has been essential to their child’s psychological, physical, emotional wellbeing and development, and his help and support has enhanced their whole family. 

Photo shows Katie Susser, clinical nurse specialist in the critical care recovery team, with her CARE award

Katie Susser, clinical nurse specialist in the critical care recovery team, received a CARE award after being nominated by a colleague. She was described as having ‘incredible insight’ into the needs of her patients and going above and beyond to support their physical and psychological wellbeing.

Photo shows the Ophthalmology outpatients team with Charles Alexander at the CARE awards

The ophthalmology outpatients team were also recognised after being nominated by a patient. The team were commended for being ‘full of care and compassion in a very upbeat way’, and carrying out their duties with professionalism and skill.

Photo shows the intensive care unit two team at St Thomas’ with their CARE award

The intensive care unit two team at St Thomas’ were recognised after being nominated by a patient. They described the team’s medical care, kindness, help and support as exceptional, demonstrating their duties under extreme pressure and with the utmost professionalism.

Photo shows the renal and transplant team at Guy’s with their CARE award

The renal and transplant team at Guy’s received a CARE award after a kidney transplant patient nominated them. The patient praised the team for their support with an undiagnosed post traumatic stress disorder from previous urological interventions, making a successful transplant possible. 

Find out more about our CARE awards, including how to make a nomination.

Last updated: August 2023

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