More than 3,000 staff get flu jab to protect patients

Thursday 14 November 2013

Chief Nurse Eileen Sills gets the flu jab

Frontline staff at Guy’s and St Thomas’ are getting the flu jab to protect not only themselves but also our patients this winter.

In the first three weeks of the vaccination programme more than 3,000 staff have had their flu jab at drop-in clinics in our hospitals and community services.

Chief Nurse, Eileen Sills, is leading by example and helped vaccinate more than 100 staff at a St Thomas’ clinic last week.

 She says: “It’s great to see so many staff coming along to these drop-in clinics to protect both themselves and their patients. We’re encouraging everyone who works here, both clinical staff such as doctors and nurses and their non-clinical colleagues including porters, cleaners and admin staff to get vaccinated because flu affects all of us.”

Medical Director, Dr Ian Abbs adds: “Our staff flu vaccination campaign is central to our plans to maintain high quality patient care throughout the busy winter period. Keeping our staff fit and healthy is the best way to ensure we can maintain services for patients.”

In the UK, about 600 people a year die from a complication of seasonal flu. This rises to around 13,000 during an epidemic.

The NHS offers free flu vaccination to a number of at risk groups, including people who are 65 or over and pregnant women. Contact your GP to find out if you are eligible.

Last updated: October 2023

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