Patient safety card goes national

Thursday 23 October 2014

Patient safety card

Guy's and St Thomas' award-winning ‘airline style’ patient safety card is now available for all NHS trusts to use following the launch of a short film version today (Thursday 23 October).

Designed as part of our inpatient Welcome Pack, the safety card supports our patients to play an active role in their care.

Based on the concept of safety advice given on aeroplanes before take-off, patients are provided with an information card with simple advice about preventing falls, blood clots, pressure ulcers and other avoidable complications.

The innovative project is being supported by the Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, who helped to launch the new film at a conference in London this morning.

The film has been developed by Haelo, an innovation and improvement centre in Salford, in partnership with Guy’s and St Thomas’ - based on the safety card.

Patients and staff at Guy’s and St Thomas’, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust and University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust have piloted the film and their feedback has been incorporated into the final version.

Jeremy Hunt said: “We want to make the NHS the safest healthcare system in the world. The airline industry leads the way on safety and this film echoes their simple method of ensuring people know how to stay safe. This film will give patients more confidence and let them know what to expect during their stay in hospital.”

Eileen Sills, Chief Nurse at Guy’s and St Thomas’, added: “We developed the original idea for an airline style safety card as part of our Welcome Pack.

“It has been extremely well received since its launch in June 2012 and is part of our commitment to continuous quality and safety improvements that enhance the overall experience of our patients.”

Last updated: March 2022

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