Stoptober button pops up at St Thomas'

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Stoptober button

A giant button encouraging people to go smokefree for the 28 days of October has appeared at St Thomas’ Hospital.

The Stoptober button is prominently displayed in the fountain garden in full view from Westminster Bridge. It is one of eight giant ‘buttons’ around central London to encourage people to sign up to the Stoptober campaign.

The button was welcomed by the Trust’s stop smoking team, who have so far signed up 39 members of staff and patients to support throughout the smokefree month and beyond.

Stop smoking coordinator Alanna Molloy, says: “We’re very excited about Stoptober. We will be running drop-in clinics throughout the month to help those who’ve signed up for the challenge with medical support and advice.

“Stopping smoking can be a huge benefit for hospital patients. It improves the levels of oxygen in their blood allowing their bodies to recover and heal quicker making their hospital stays shorter.

“If people manage to quit for one month they are more likely to abstain and carry on their success for longer.”

Last updated: March 2022

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