Tell us what you think
Tuesday 1 October 2013
Pregnant women and new mothers can say what they think of Guy’s and St Thomas’ maternity by completing a Friends and Family Test questionnaire.
Patients on wards and in A&E at Guy’s and St Thomas’ already have the opportunity to complete the Friends and Family Test.
From 1 October, women using maternity services in every NHS hospital in England are being asked if they would recommend their care to their friends and family.
Women are being invited to share their views about their treatment and care during pregnancy, shortly after the birth and when they return home with their baby.
Lynne Pacanowski, Director of Midwifery at Guy’s and St Thomas’, says: “For many women, appointments with the maternity team during pregnancy and visits from their community midwife after giving birth will be the most contact they will have had with the NHS.
“It’s very important that they feel happy, relaxed and cared for at such a special time.
“We are striving to improve our maternity services so that all women feel that they are receiving the best care available. We would like to hear from as many women as possible and we promise to listen and to respond to your feedback.”
Women will be given a questionnaire by their midwife which should be completed within 48 hours. Feedback can also be given online.
Last updated: March 2022
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