Tell us what you think - friends and family test

Monday 25 February 2013

a nurse explaining the friends and family test to a patient

Would you recommend our accident and emergency department or a particular ward to friends or family who needed similar treatment?

That is the question every inpatient and many A&E patients will be asked before being discharged from our hospitals under a new national initiative called the friends and family test.

The results of the test are intended to help patients decide where they want to be treated by letting them know how other people rate the care and services offered by each NHS organisation.

At Guy’s and St Thomas’, inpatients will be given a survey to complete before they leave the hospital. As well as being asked about the service they receive, patients will now also be asked to complete the Friends and Family Test question.

Patients who use A&E will be given a postcard with the friends and family test question on it. Responses can be dropped into feedback boxes at key exit points in the department.

Chief Nurse Eileen Sills said: “We already ask patients to let us know their views about the treatment and care that they receive."

“But the new friends and family test will be a very important indicator that will tell us whether patients are happy with the services and care that we provide."

“By continuing to improve the services we offer we want to make sure that the experiences of all our patients are positive ones."

“We want to hear from as many patients as possible, so please complete and return the form as soon as you get it.”

Last updated: March 2022

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