Trust tops London NHS research league table
Wednesday 21 October 2015
Guy’s and St Thomas’ carries out more research studies than any other NHS trust in London, and is in the top three trusts nationally, according to new figures published today (Wednesday 21 October).
The statistics from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Clinical Research Network cover all NHS hospitals across England for 2014-15.
Guy’s and St Thomas’ conducted 459 research studies last year, 9% more than in 2013-14 and the fourth biggest increase in research activity of any NHS trust in England.
Jonathan Sheffield, Chief Executive of the NIHR Clinical Research Network, says: “I would like to thank all the patients and carers who have taken part in research, and thereby made a contribution to improving NHS treatments for everyone.”
Professor Charles Wolfe, Director of Research and Development at Guy's and St Thomas', adds: "Our research programme is led by Guy's and St Thomas' clinicians with the involvement of academics from our university partner, King's College London.
“Our researchers and clinicians – doctors, nurses and other staff – are actively involved in recruiting patients for a wide range of studies ranging from 'first in man' trials to local community projects.
“This research drives innovation, gives rise to better and more cost-effective treatments, and improves the quality of patient care in the NHS."
Our results are consistent with an increase in clinical research activity right across King’s Health Partners which includes King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. This is a sign of the research strength at the heart of the partnership.
Last updated: March 2022
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