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Showing 121 - 130 of 130 results
L to R: Elizabeth Gavin, Susie Morley, Professor Chris Hammond, Omar Mahroo and Professor Miles Stanford

Eye department wins award for excellence in teaching

Wednesday 31 October 2012

The eye department at St Thomas' has been awarded the Elisabeth Paice Award for Educational Excellence 'Best Secondary Care Department' in recognition of its outstanding commitment and contributions to postgraduate dental and medical education in London.
Cakes for the DEBRA big breakfast

Big Breakfast for EB awareness

Monday 29 October 2012

Dermatology researchers from the St John's Institute took part in the Big Breakfast for DEBRA as part of EB awareness week.
Elderly couple's legs

Good vibrations help elderly stay mobile

Monday 22 October 2012

Using vibrating platforms like those found in gyms may help to prevent falls in older people, according to researchers from Guy's and St Thomas' and King's College London.
Patient on dialysis

State-of-the-art kidney dialysis centre opens in Borough

Monday 22 October 2012

Up to 300 patients a week will now receive life-saving kidney dialysis treatment, support and advice in a spacious new kidney treatment centre which opens its doors in central London this week.
Art and the environment

Art and the environment

Wednesday 10 October 2012

St Thomas' Hospital is the site of artist Dryden Goodwin's latest art project, titled Breathe. The project is linked to our EXHALE research programme, which is investigating the effect of air pollution on the lung health of primary school children in East London.
David and Gavin at North Middlesex Hospital

He did it! Non Executive Director completes 61-mile run for Evelina

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Non-Executive Director David Dean has successfully completed a 61-mile run to raise money for the Evelina Children's Hospital.
The lithotripter

New hi-tech equipment for detecting kidney stones

Monday 8 October 2012

A new piece of hi-tech equipment which can detect and break down kidney stones was officially opened on Friday (5 October) by the person who originally introduced the equipment to the Trust - former urologist Richard Tiptaft.
David Dean

Epic 61-mile run to support the Evelina Children's Hospital

Thursday 4 October 2012

Non-executive director at Guy's and St Thomas', David Dean, is attempting to run a staggering 61 miles – the equivalent of nearly two and a half marathons.
Surgeons with the Da Vinci robot

Guy's and St Thomas' hosts international robotics event

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Doctors and nurses from our urology department hosted the 3 day European Robotic Urology Symposium last week. It was the largest conference held to date, attracting over 800 doctors and nurses from across Europe
Increasing pregnancy rates from IVF

Scratching the womb lining could double IVF pregnancy rates

Monday 1 October 2012

Pregnancy rates from IVF could be doubled by gently scratching the womb lining with a plastic catheter, according to our doctors.

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