Lucy Chappell

Consultant obstetrician and NIHR research professor in obstetrics


Lucy Chappell is a consultant obstetrician specialising in women with medical problems in pregnancy.

She is a clinical academic at King’s College London, researching pregnancy hypertension (including pre-eclampsia and chronic hypertension) and cholestasis of pregnancy. She undertakes clinical research, including observational studies and randomised controlled trials.

Education and training

  • St Thomas’ Hospital Medical School
  • University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine
  • King’s College London (PhD).

Research interests

  • Hypertension in pregnancy
  • Cholestasis of pregnancy
  • Clinical trials in pregnancy


  • NIHR Research Professorship (2015)
  • HEFCE-NHS Clinical Senior Lectureship Award (2007)
  • Distinctions in Postgraduate Diploma/ Certificate in Academic Practice (2006/ 2003)
  • Glaxo Wellcome Fellowship, Royal Society of Medicine (2001)
  • Young Investigator’s Award, ISSHP (2000)
  • Gold Medal, Blair Bell Research Society, RCOG Biennial Competition Meeting (1999).

Last updated: July 2024

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