Your stay at the unit
Amputee rehabilitation unit
How to cancel your stay at the unit
If you do not wish to come to the unit, please tell the doctors treating you. They’ll let us know you no longer want to stay.
Before your stay
When you're admitted, you'll be sent with:
- your hospital discharge letter
- 2 weeks of medicines
- your prosthetic limb, if you already have one
- your compression sock, if you already have one
- your wheelchair, if you already have one
- your personal belongings
Please bring comfortable clothing to wear during your rehabilitation sessions.
During your stay
Our nursing team will help you settle into the unit.
You'll meet our therapy team if you arrive before 4.30pm. They'll show you around the centre, and check how you are. If you arrive later in the evening, you’ll meet the therapy team the next day.
We'll give you a wheelchair if you do not have one.
We ask you to be respectful of others while in the unit. This includes:
- not disturbing other people’s rehabilitation sessions
- no alcohol, smoking or illegal substances
Visiting hours are 1pm to 7.30pm, Monday to Sunday.
We have a protected mealtime so you can enjoy your meal without interruption. This is between 5pm and 6pm.
An evening curfew of 7.30pm is also in place. You won't be allowed to re-enter the unit after this time.
Weekend leave might form part of your rehabilitation. Our team will assess this on an individual basis and it may not be possible in all cases.
Rehabilitation sessions
We'll give you a timetable for rehabilitation sessions from Monday to Saturday, 8am to 4.30pm.
We expect you to continue with your rehabilitation outside of these hours. You'll also have access to:
- specialist medical and nursing care
- counselling professionals
Rehabilitation sessions will sometimes take place on the ward.
After your stay
When it's time for you to leave, we'll transfer your care to the outpatient amputee rehabilitation service in your area. If you live in our local area this will be Bowley Close rehabilitation centre.
You'll be provided with life-long prosthetic and medical care, including:
- physiotherapy
- occupational therapy
- counselling
This is an outpatient service, which means that you'll be able to go home at the end of each of your sessions.
You may find that being back at home restricts what you're able to do. For example, you might not be able to access all areas in your property.
Your home environment will be assessed to make sure you'll be able to manage once you leave the unit. This will include a home visit with your occupational therapist.
We might give you equipment or recommend carers to help you.
If appropriate, we can support you in your re-housing application. This is a long process and may not be resolved during your stay at the unit. We support with planning to return to your current home while you wait.
When you leave the unit, we'll give you a discharge letter. This will have all the information about your stay. A copy will also be sent to your GP.
Last updated: September 2023