Breast cancer
Breast unit
Location: 3rd floor, Tower Wing, Guy's Hospital, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT
Frequency: Monday to Friday
Phone: 020 7188 1483
Email: [email protected]
Your GP or hospital consultant will refer you to this clinic. It is where your first assessment and surgical appointments take place.
This clinic is run by:
- consultant breast surgeons
- clinical fellows
- advanced nurse practitioners
- clinical nurse specialists
Breast imaging
Location: 3rd floor, Tower Wing, Guy's Hospital, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT
Breast imaging reception: 020 7188 5574
Breast imaging coordinators: phone 020 7188 8317 or email [email protected]
We will give you an appointment in this radiology clinic if you need a:
- mammogram
- ultrasound scan
- biopsy
This clinics is run by:
- consultant radiologists
- mammographers (expert in taking breast X-rays)
For more information, see our breast imaging page.
Breast oncology
Location: Outpatients 1, Cancer Centre at Guy's, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT
Phone: 020 7188 9531 and 020 7188 0884
Email: [email protected]
We will give you appointments at this clinic during and after radiotherapy, chemotherapy and other drug treatments.
This clinic is run by:
- consultant oncologists
- clinical fellows
- clinical nurse specialists
- the research team
Last updated: November 2023