Cancer rehabilitation
Guy's cancer rehabilitation transition service (CaRTS)
Phone: 020 7188 5106
Frequency: Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.10pm
Our dedicated specialist cancer therapy team provides early, more frequent advice and support so we can help you return home with confidence and without delay.
We see people on Hedley Atkins, Samaritan or Esther wards.
The team is made up of a:
- physiotherapist
- occupational therapist
- therapy assistant
We'll see you at least once a day and often more than once. We aim to:
- improve your rehabilitation whilst in hospital
- give you a tailored rehabilitation plan to help you achieve your goals
- improve your confidence in doing things that are important to you
- provide early support and reassurance about leaving hospital and going home
- improve your overall experience of your hospital stay for you and your loved ones
We'll ask you to:
- be motivated
- wear your own clothes where possible
- try to complete tasks set by the therapist to get the most out of your rehabilitation programme
- take part in setting your own goals
If you choose not to see us, you'll still have access to rehabilitation from the teams on the wards.