
Gynaecological cancer

Rapid access gynaecology clinic

Phone: 020 7188 7188, extension 54177

Address: McNair Centre, ground floor, Southwark Wing, Guy’s Hospital, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT

Time: Tuesday and Friday, 9am to 5pm

Your GP can refer you for an appointment at this clinic.

This clinic is led by our consultants. You may also see:

  • specialist cancer doctors
  • nurse specialists
  • clinic nurses

For information about your appointment at the rapid access gynaecology clinic visit our appointments page.

Gynaecological cancer clinic

Phone: 020 7188 7609 and 020 7188 8053

Email: oncologygynaecologyappointmentsguy'

Address: level O, Outpatients Village, Cancer Centre at Guy's, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT

Time: Wednesday afternoon

We'll make an appointment for you at this clinic to meet our surgical and gynaecological cancer teams.

This clinic is led by our consultants. You may also see:

  • nurse specialists
  • treatment review radiographers

Medical oncology gynaecological cancer clinic

Phone: 020 7188 7609 and 020 7188 8053

Email: oncologygynaecologyappointmentsguy'

Addresses: level O (Monday) and level O1 (Thursday), Outpatients Village, Cancer Centre at Guy's, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT

Time: Monday and Thursday morning

We'll make appointments at this clinic if you need medical treatments for gynaecological cancer. This includes chemotherapy, immunotherapy and clinical trials.

The clinic is led by our consultant medical oncologists.

You may also see:

  • nurse specialists
  • cancer pharmacists
  • clinical trials team
  • cancer dietitians

Clinical oncology gynaecological cancer clinic

Phone: 020 7188 7609 and 020 7188 8053

Email: oncologygynaecologyappointmentsguy'

Address: level O, Outpatients Village, Cancer Centre at Guy's, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT

Time: Monday morning

We'll make appointments at this clinic if you're having radiotherapy.

The clinic is led by our consultant clinical oncologists.

You may also see:

  • nurse specialists
  • treatment review radiographers
  • cancer dietitians

Colposcopy unit

Phone: 020 7188 3691

General queries:

Clinical advice:

Existing patients can email us for advice about their condition.

If you need urgent advice or do not have access to email, please call our nursing team on 020 7188 3678.

Frequency: 12 clinics during the day and 2 on Tuesday evenings each month

We offer colposcopy examinations as part of the NHS cervical screening programme.

A colposcopy is a simple procedure used to look at your cervix. This is the lower part of the womb at the top of the vagina.

You may be referred for a colposcopy:

  • if cervical screening (smear test) finds abnormal cells in your cervix
  • because of bleeding during cervical screening
  • because of bleeding after sex

A colposcopy can detect problems early and prevent the development of cancer and other serious conditions.

For more information, please read our colposcopy examination page.

Last updated: July 2024

Do you have any comments or concerns about your care?

Contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

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