
Interventional radiology

How to get an appointment

Your GP or a specialist can refer you to our service for a uterine artery embolisation to treat fibroids (a procedure used to stop the blood flow to a certain part of your body, by blocking a small artery or vein).

For our other services, you'll be referred by a specialist doctor.

Your consultant at Guy's and St Thomas' will be able to refer you for all other examinations.

Changing or cancelling your appointment

Phone: 020 7188 5479, St Thomas' Hospital

Phone: 020 7188 5576, Guy's Hospital

Before your appointment

Please follow the information in your appointment letter. You may need to fast before your examination, for example if you are having general anaesthetic.

Radiation can be harmful for an unborn baby. If you're pregnant, or think you might be, you must tell a member of your medical team before your procedure. We cannot do any procedure that involves radiation if you're pregnant.

To make sure you're not pregnant, please don't have unprotected sex from the 1st day of your period until your appointment.

If this has already passed, contact the department to reschedule your appointment so that it falls within the first 10 days of your period. This does not apply if you're using contraception.

We'll ask you to sign a pregnancy declaration form.

Before your surgery we'll give you a pre-operative assessment. If you have any questions or concerns about coming to the preoperative assessment clinic, please phone 020 7188 7188 extension 56712.

During your appointment

A nurse will meet you when you arrive. The nurse will ask you for some information including:

  • your next of kin
  • the name of anyone who has come with you for support

The nurse will help you get ready for your examination.

We'll place an intravenous cannula into the back of your hand. This is a small tube needed to give medication such as pain relief.

The doctor will explain the examination to you. You can ask any questions you may have. If you are happy to go ahead with the examination we'll ask you to give your written consent.

We're a teaching hospital and we may ask if students can sit in on your X-ray or scan. It won't affect your care if you say no.

After your appointment

After your examination, you'll return to the recovery area to be looked after.

We'll let you know the results of your examination before you go home. We'll also give you:

  • advice on how to take care of yourself following your examination
  • contact details if you have any worries or concerns afterwards

Last updated: November 2023

Do you have any comments or concerns about your care?

Contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

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