
Maternity: care when giving birth

Our aim is for you and your baby to have the best possible start. We will care for you during your birth in a way that is right for you.

What to do if you go into labour

If you're in labour, or you are with someone who is, please contact your named midwife or the centre where you're giving birth.

Read information about what to do and what to bring when you're in labour for our:

Where you can give birth

We support births at home and in our hospital. Our midwives and obstetricians (specialist doctors) can help you decide on the best option for you and your baby.

We will support you giving birth at:

  • our home from home birth centre, a midwifery-led unit
  • our hospital birth centre, our labour ward
  • your home, with care from our community midwives
Matron in maternity ward

Home from home birth centre

Our midwives will support you to have an uncomplicated birth, using coping methods such as birthing pools, massage and complementary therapies.

The centre also offers gas and air (entonox) and injection of diamorphine as pain relief.

Read more about our home from home birth centre.

Hospital birth centre

The labour ward is staffed by obstetricians, midwives and specialists including anaesthetists. This is the safest place to give birth if:

  • you or your baby need specialist care during labour
  • you're having a planned caesarean section
  • you plan to have an epidural during labour

Find out more about giving birth in hospital.

Your home

Our home birth service is for people who plan to have a baby at home and live in our local area. A midwife will visit you to help you prepare, and support you at home through labour and birth.

Read more about giving birth at home

Pain relief and coping methods during labour

There are ways we can help you with pain and discomfort while you are giving birth. There are pain relief methods with medicine including gas and air, pain-controlled intravenous analgesia, and epidurals.

There are also different methods to help you cope with labour. These might not take away the pain completely, but can help you to cope with it. They include TENS machine, relaxation, using a birthing pool, birthing positions and complementary therapies.

Read more about your pain relief options on the Labour Pains website.

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Pregnant woman in antenatal clinic waiting room talking to maternity support worker


Do you have any comments or concerns about your care?

Contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

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