Mouth (oral) medicine
General oral medicine clinic
Location: 22nd floor, Tower Wing, Guy’s Hospital, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT
Phone: 020 718 84399
Times: Monday to Friday
We assess and review a range of oral mucosal conditions including:
- recurrent mouth ulcers
- dry mouth
- benign lumps
- mouth infections
- oral lichen planus
We'll make you an appointment at this clinic if you need one.
This clinic is led by our consultants. You may not see a consultant at each visit.
Sjögren’s syndrome clinic
Location: 22nd floor, Tower Wing, Guy’s Hospital, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT
Phone: 020 7188 4399
Times: Monday mornings
We'll make an appointment for you at this clinic for assessment and review of Sjögren’s syndrome and other dry mouth conditions. Investigations may include:
- blood tests
- ultrasound scan
- schirmer’s test (dry eye test)
- saliva samples
This clinic is led by our consultants.
Joint oral medicine and dermatology clinic
Location: 22nd floor, Tower Wing, Guy’s Hospital, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT
Phone: 020 7188 4399
Times: Tuesday afternoons, twice monthly
You can be referred to this clinic for investigation and treatment of autoimmune immunobullous. These are skin blistering conditions and include pemphigus vulgaris and mucous membrane pemphigoid.
Investigations may include:
- blood tests
- biopsies
- examination of skin or genitals
- mouth swabs
- weight measurement
- blood pressure measurement
- urine samples
This clinic is led by our consultants and a consultant dermatologist will be present.
Oral epithelial dysplasia clinic
Location: 22nd floor, Tower Wing, Guy's Hospital, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT
Phone: 020 7188 4399
- New patients: Thursday morning
- Existing patients under review: Tuesday morning, Friday morning and afternoon
We'll refer you to this clinic if you’ve got mouth lesions that need investigation. You may need:
- oral biopsies
- saliva samples
This clinic is led by our consultants.
Joint oral medicine/gastroenterology clinic
Location: 22nd floor, Tower Wing, Guy's Hospital, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT
Phone: 020 7188 4399
Times: Wednesday afternoons
We'll refer you to this clinic for assessment and review of mouth conditions related to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Investigations may include:
- blood tests
- steroid injections
- mouth swabs
- poo samples
This clinic is led by our consultants. Dietitians and clinical psychologists are available when needed.
Facial pain clinic
Location: 22nd, Tower Wing, Guy's Hospital, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT
Phone: 020 7188 4399
Opening times: Monday mornings, Wednesday afternoons, Thursday mornings and Friday afternoons
We'll refer you to this clinic if you need assessment and review for a facial pain condition, including:
- persistent idiopathic facial pain
- trigeminal neuropathic pain
- trigeminal neuralgia
- oral dysaesthesia and burning mouth syndrome
This clinic is led by our consultants. Psychologists and restorative dental specialists are available when needed.