
Prostate cancer

Your appointment

We offer appointments:

Your appointment letter will tell you what type of appointment you have.

If your appointment is at one of our clinics, please check your letter for where you need to go. Our clinics are held at different locations at Guy's Hospital and the Cancer Centre at Guy's.

How to get an appointment

Your GP can refer you to us. We try to see you within 2 weeks of receiving a referral letter.

Changing or cancelling your appointment

Phone: 020 7188 2443


Before your appointment

You might need a blood test before your appointment but we'll let you know if you need one. Your blood tests are important as it helps us make decisions about your treatment.

Please let us know if you need help with translation and we'll organise an interpreter.

If you come for a face-to-face appointment, please allow about 2 hours for your consultation and tests.

Please bring with you or have ready for phone appointments:

  • a list of medicines and herbal remedies you're taking
  • a list of drug allergies
  • details of previous illnesses or operations

During your appointment

Your first appointment is usually face-to-face.

We'll ask you to complete some questionnaires when you arrive about your peeing and your sexual function.

Your answers help us to assess your condition and plan your treatment.

Who you see will depend on your problem but it could be with a:

  • urology consultant, surgeon or senior doctor
  • cancer consultant
  • nurse specialist

Your consultation will last 10 to 20 minutes.

We may do some tests and investigations on the day, such as:

  • urine flow test
  • blood tests
  • X-rays 
  • ultrasound scan
  • prostate ultrasound, a thin ultrasound probe is inserted into your bottom so we can take pictures and measure your prostate
  • prostate biopsy, we take small tissue samples from your prostate gland. An anaesthetic is injected around your prostate to reduce discomfort

We may also organise for you to come back on another day for more scans, such as:

We're a teaching hospital and there may be students observing during your appointment. Please let us know if you'd prefer them not to be in your appointment. It will not affect your care.

Follow-up appointments

Follow-up appointments usually last 5 to 10 minutes. These are either face-to face or by phone.

You will usually need a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test. You'll need to have your blood test 1 week before your appointment. You can walk in and have your blood test at:

After your appointment

We'll send you and your GP a letter after your appointment. It will include what we talked about at your appointment and what the next step in your treatment is.

You can contact our specialist nurses if you have any questions or need advice and support during your cancer treatment. You'll be given a main contact, known as your key worker.

Last updated: April 2024

Do you have any comments or concerns about your care?

Contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

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