

Musculoskeletal physiotherapy self-referrals

Managing your condition

Most new injuries, aches and pains will improve within 6 weeks with self-management. If your symptoms are less than 6 weeks' old, your condition is likely to improve with advice and exercise. The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy website has information about managing your bone, joint or muscle pain.

For more detailed and tailored support, please consider self-management with getUBetter.

The getUBetter app offers quick and safe advice to people with muscle or joint problems.

It can help you self-manage your condition with advice, tips and exercises. It can also signpost you to your local services.

The app is free for anyone living in Lambeth or Southwark.


You can refer yourself to musculoskeletal physiotherapy for specialist assessment and management if:

  • your symptoms have not improved with self-management, or
  • you're concerned your condition is worsening

Please complete a self-referral form if you're:

  • registered with a GP in Lambeth or Southwark
  • 16 years of age or older
  • not pregnant or 3 months post-partum (for back pain, sciatica or hip pain)

Self-referral forms

Physiotherapy self-referral video

Watch our video for more information about referring yourself to our service.

GP referrals

Neuro-rehabilitation physiotherapy

Visit the neuro-rehabilitation physiotherapy referrals page.

Musculoskeletal assessment, triage and treatment service (MCATTS)

Visit the MCATTS referrals page.

Musculoskeletal physiotherapy

Visit the musculoskeletal physiotherapy referrals page.

Older person's physiotherapy

Visit the older persons' physiotherapy referrals page.

Pulmonary rehabilitation service

Visit the pulmonary rehabilitation referrals page.

Respiratory physiotherapy outpatient service

Visit the respiratory physiotherapy outpatient service referrals page.

Vestibular and facial physiotherapy

Visit the vestibular and facial physiotherapy referrals page.

Last updated: November 2024

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