
Upper limb rehabilitation support group

Reach Out is our service for people with neurological difficulties affecting their arm or hand.

You'll have some assessments and attend 6 group exercise sessions that aim to:

  • strengthen weak muscles
  • normalise sensation
  • practise tasks to increase the daily use of your hand and arm
  • improve the quality of the movements you make with your hand and arm

The group is run by a physiotherapist and an occupational therapist.

With your help, they'll design a tailored exercise programme for you to do when you come to the group.

You'll be in a group with 5 other people.

You've been referred to this group by the staff who assessed you in the upper limb clinic. We believe you'll benefit from the regular exercise.

We know from research that using your affected hand and arm in day-to-day tasks is important for your rehabilitation.

Attending the Reach Out group is free.

Last updated: February 2024

Do you have any comments or concerns about your care?

Contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

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