
Dimbleby Cancer Care

We offer support and information during and after your cancer treatment. This includes:

Each service is led by specialists who work alongside your medical team to give you, your family and carers the support you need.

We run daily outpatient clinics and visit wards and the chemotherapy village.

Our drop-in information service runs every day at the Cancer Centre at Guy's. It runs on selected days at Queen Mary's Hospital (QMH), Sidcup.

Accessing our services

All 4 teams have different referral criteria but the way to access them is the same.

You can self-refer for some of our services:

If you're being treated by Guy's Cancer, you can ask your medical team to arrange a referral to any of our services.

Your GP or other health professional can also email gst-tr.dimblebycancercare@nhs.net to request a referral form.

Cancer support and information

There's a wide range of information, advice and support available from other organisations and sources. 

Many of the following resources are specific to South East London, but to find resources in your area, simply enter your postcode or keyword into the Cancer Care Map.

Now What? podcast: listen now

Hosted by TV presenter Julia Bradbury and recorded by our patients, the Now What podcast can educate and support you through what can be an uncertain and frightening time.

Themes of the 10 episodes were chosen by patients to cover aspects of cancer diagnosis, treatment and living with cancer, which patients said they wanted more first-hand accounts of. This includes receiving a diagnosis, telling loved ones, deciding to have surgery and the cultural perspectives of cancer. Each episode provides practical advice, emotional support and highlights local resources.

Through the episodes, current and past patients speak honestly about their own experiences and hope to dispel myths, and help tackle loneliness and isolation.

Stream now with Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and Spotify.

Listen now on Acast

Do you have any comments or concerns about your care?

Contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

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