Bardet Biedl Syndrome


Making a referral

We accept referrals from:

  • the clinical genetics service
  • GPs
  • ophthalmologists
  • other health professionals

We see people who are:

  • registered with a GP in England or Scotland
  • resident in the European Union and eligible for treatment in the NHS under reciprocal arrangements

People living in the Republic of Ireland must apply for approval and funding from their respective health boards before referral. This needs to be facilitated by the overseas booking department on receipt of an EII2 form once the BBS clinic has accepted the referral.

In your referral, please include:

  • any relevant clinical history
  • recent clinic letters
  • genetic test results

Please address referrals to Dr Shehla Mohamed or Dr Elizabeth Forsythe.

We are not able to see undiagnosed patients with a suspected genetic diagnosis in this clinic.

Referral criteria

Inclusion criteria

Adults can be referred if they meet any one of the following criteria:

  • a molecularly confirmed diagnosis of BBS
  • a confirmed clinical diagnosis from a clinical geneticist

Exclusion criteria

We do not see people who do not have:

  • molecular confirmed Bardet-Biedl syndrome or
  • a clinical diagnosis of Bardet-Biedl syndrome as assessed by a clinical geneticist

Last updated: August 2024

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