Leaving hospital
Staying in hospital as an inpatient
- Preparing for your stay
- What to expect during your stay
- The team looking after you
- Current page section : Leaving hospital
The staff looking after you will make sure you have the support and advice you need when you are ready to leave hospital. This is sometimes called being 'discharged'.
Getting support in place
Our aim is to make sure all the services you need are in place before you leave hospital, including any extra help you might need after your hospital stay.
For example, we might ask you:
- about your home
- how many stairs you have to climb
- if you have relatives or friends who will be able to support you during your recovery
We also ask about any help or support you get from social services or community health professionals, such as district nurses. We'll arrange any referrals for you.
If you need a certificate to claim sickness benefit, please let your nurse or ward administrator know as soon as possible.
To leave hospital you will need:
- comfortable clothes to travel in
- any keys to get into where you live
- to let your family or carers know that you are being discharged
- any equipment given to you, such as walking aids
- all the medicines that has been prescribed to you during your stay
- any property or valuables that we have looked after for you
Continuing spiritual care
The spiritual care team can arrange support for you after you leave hospital if that is what you would like. Please ask your nurse to contact them before you leave.
Discharge unit
When you are ready to leave hospital we may move you to the discharge unit. This means that your area on the ward can be cleaned and another patient can use it.
If you qualify for patient transport, we will let them know where you are.
There are a team of clinicians in the discharge unit to help you. The staff in the discharge unit will make sure you can leave as quickly as possible. Sometimes there are delays, so please be patient. You may spend 2 to 3 hours in the discharge lounge.
Drinks and snacks can be provided in the discharge unit.
The ward team looking after you will make any referrals for ongoing support in the community if you need it.
Address: Discharge unit, lower ground floor, Lambeth Wing, St Thomas' Hospital, Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7EH
We're open Monday to Friday, 9am to 9pm
Arranging transport
We ask that you arrange for your own transport if possible.
If you need to use it, you can find details of our patient transport service on the help with travel page.
Collecting valuables
If you asked staff to safely store any valuables, remember to collect these from the cashiers' office when you leave.
Our cashier's offices are open Monday to Friday, 9:30am to 4:30pm.
Cashier's office at St Thomas' Hospital
Phone: 020 7188 2329
Address: ground floor, North Wing corridor, St Thomas' Hospital, Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7EH
We're opposite Creative Hair hairdressing salon.
Cashier's office at Guy’s Hospital
Phone: 020 7188 2343
Address: ground floor, Tower Wing, Guy's Hospital, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT
We're opposite the post room.
Any remaining medicines will be returned to you when you're discharged from hospital.
We also supply at least 14 days of the medicines you need where possible, unless you have enough at home.
Your pharmacist will explain everything you need to know about taking your medicines correctly.
Questions you might want to ask your doctor, pharmacist or nurse
- Why do I need to take this medicine?
- How do I take it?
- What are the alternatives?
- When should I take it?
- How long do I need to take it for?
- Can I take it with food?
- What are the side effects?
- Who should I contact if I get side effects?
- Do I need any monitoring or follow-up?
- What should I do when it runs out?
If you are unable to return home
The Simon Patient Lodge in Gassiot House is opposite Lambeth Wing at St Thomas' Hospital. It is available for people who are unable to return home when they're well enough to leave the ward. This may be because they are recovering from surgery or for other domestic reasons.
If our staff feel it's appropriate for you to stay in the Simon Patient Lodge, they will arrange this for you. There's no charge for NHS patients.
Relatives and friends can stay in either Counting House Lodge at Guy's Hospital or Gassiot Lodge at St Thomas' Hospital.
Medicines helpline
If you have any questions about the medicines you've been prescribed by us, call our pharmacy medicines helpline.
- Phone: 020 7188 8748
We answer this number from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
- Email: gst-tr.mymedicines@nhs.net
We aim to respond to emails within 2 working days.
You can read more about our pharmacy service.