Annual reports and accounts


Annual report and accounts

Our annual reports chart changes and improvements over each year. They show where our money comes from and how we spend it. 

Our accounts are reviewed by an external auditor to make sure they are a fair assessment before they are submitted to NHS England and NHS Improvement, and to Parliament.

The quality accounts are intended to allow people to compare the performance of different trusts as we're all required to report on the same things. They contain the quality priorities that we set for our hospital and community services, and report back on our progress in achieving the priorities that we set ourselves last year.

Quality accounts 2023/24

Full annual report 2022/23

Annual report summary 2022/23

Quality accounts 2022/23

Full annual report 2021/22

Annual report summary 2021/22

Quality accounts 2021/22


Full annual report 2020/21

Annual report summary 2020/21

Quality accounts 2020/21

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the NHS, foundation trusts were advised by NHS England that inclusion of a quality report in the Annual Report and Accounts 2021-22 was optional. This year's quality report has therefore been produced as a stand-alone document which is available below.


Full annual report 2019/20

Annual report summary 2019/20

Full annual report 2018/19

Summary annual report 2018/19

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