Statutory and strategy publications
- Overview
- The GiST
- Annual reports and accounts
- Annual Public Meeting
- Current page section : Statutory and strategy publications
- How we approve medicines
On this page you will find:
Statutory declarations
Our auditor's annual report is to check we've made the proper arrangements for securing economy, efficiency and effectiveness in our use of resources.
The board register of interests draws together declarations of interest made by members of the board of directors. At the commencement of each board meeting, members of the Board are required to declare any interests.
The Bribery Act 2010 came into effect in July 2011 and this statement demonstrates the Trust's commitment to the principles of the act.
Declaration from the Board of compliance against Continuity of Services (CoS) Condition 7 of the NHS provider licence as required by the Trust's regulator, NHS England. This requires NHS foundation trusts to have the resources available to provide services over the next 12 months.
The purpose of this policy is to define the Trust's position in terms of the prevention, detection and investigation of fraud and bribery and its counter fraud arrangements.
Speaking up about any concern staff have at work is vitally important. This policy answers the questions staff may have about raising concerns thereby helping us improve our services for all patients and the working environment for our staff.
The purpose of this report is to provide the Board with information on Trust performance and provide assurance that suitable processes are being employed to prevent and control infections.
This policy sets out the minimum acceptable standards of the national learning from deaths programme.
The aim of this statement is to demonstrate the Trust follows good practice and all reasonable steps are taken to prevent slavery and human trafficking.
This Patient Safety Incident Response Plan (PSIRP) sets out how Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust intends to respond to patient safety incidents over the following 18 months.
Safeguarding adults and vulnerable adults annual report 2022/23
The purpose of the report is to provide the Board on Trust performance over the last year and provide assurance of suitable systems and processes being used within the Trust to identify and care for adults at risk.
Safeguarding children annual report 2022/23
The purpose of this report is to provide the Board on Trust performance and provide assurance that suitable systems and process are being used within the Trust to safeguard children.
Safeguarding children declaration 2023
Declaration about our commitment to make sure all patients including children are cared for in a safe, secure and caring environment for 2023.
In line with the Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017 that came into force on 1 April 2017, the Trust has published the report on facility time, which is agreed time-off from an individual's job to carry out a trade union role.
This document represents the Constitution of Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust as adopted in accordance with the National Health Service (NHS) Act 2006, as amended by the Health and Social Care Act 2012 and the Health and Care Act 2022.
Strategy documents
Our strategy to 2030 is to deliver ‘better, faster, fairer healthcare for all’. It sets out our ambitious plans to advance health and wellbeing as leaders in clinical care, education, research and innovation.
Read 'Our strategy to 2030 – better, faster, fairer healthcare for all' online version.
This strategy sets out our responsibility to shape the future of our nutrition and hydration provision across the organisation for our patients, staff and visitors. It sets out our main priorities and the key areas we will be focusing on.
Read more about the nutrition and hydration strategy.
Our environmental sustainability work is focused on 3 areas where we believe we can make the biggest difference:
- carbon zero
- connecting with nature
- cycle of resources
Our Clean Air Plan defines the ways in which we will address air pollution, raise awareness of the issue and ultimately improve the health of our patients, staff and local communities.
It is a joint plan between Guy’s and St Thomas’ and King’s College Hospital Foundation Trusts.
Our Green Travel Plan sets us on a pathway to reduce our carbon emissions. The plan also aligns with our sustainability strategy 2021 to 2031, and delivering a net zero NHS.
Our plan includes our 7 key principles, key targets for each mode of travel, and it is split into sections including a comprehensive action plan.
Safe staffing levels
All hospitals are required to publish information about the number of nursing and midwifery staff working on each ward, together with the percentage of shifts meeting safe staffing guidelines.
This is part of the NHS response to the Francis report which called for greater openness and transparency in the health service.
Information about staffing levels is published monthly. Full details are also reported to public meetings of our Board of Directors.
We are also displaying a poster for patients and visitors in all of our wards that shows the planned and actual staffing available at the start of every shift.
For more information about safe staffing levels in hospitals, see NHS England.
Information about nursing and midwifery staffing levels for our wards and community services.
June 2021
May 2021
April 2021
February 2021
January 2021
Information about nursing and midwifery staffing levels for our wards and community services.
December 2020
November 2020
October 2020
September 2020
August 2020
July 2020
June 2020
May 2020
April 2020
March 2020
February 2020
January 2020
Information about nursing and midwifery staffing levels for our wards and community services.
December 2019
November 2019
October 2019
September 2019
August 2019
July 2019
June 2019
May 2019
April 2019
March 2019
February 2019
January 2019
Contact us
For more information about staffing levels in our hospitals, please contact our Chief Nurse, Avey Bhatia at
Payments to our suppliers
Every month we publish a list of all the payments we make to companies and individuals who provide us with goods and services.
These spending reports show who we paid and how much, and are part of our commitment to being open and honest about our finances.
We're also expected to be a good customer by paying our bills on time, as part of our contribution to supporting a healthy economy.
Monthly spending reports
The reports are available as comma delimited format (CSV), which means they can be easily read in a variety of applications. They are listed by year and month below.
The CSV format uses a standard column width, so some entries may not be completely visible. To expand the columns, select all the cells by clicking on the grey box beside column A and above row 1, then from the menu click on Format / Column / AutoFit Selection.
This data is freely re-usable under the same terms as
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for February
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for January
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for December
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for November
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for October
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for September
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for August
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for July
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for June
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for May
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for April
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for March
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for February
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for January
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for December
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for November
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for October
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for September
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for August
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for July 2023
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for June 2023
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for May 2023
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for April 2023
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for March 2023
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for February 2023
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for January 2023
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for December 2022
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for November 2022
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for October 2022
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for September 2022
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for August 2022
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for July 2022
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for June 2022
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for May 2022
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for April 2022
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for March 2022
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for February 2022
Guy's and St Thomas' spend for January 2022
Contact us
If you have any questions about the monthly spending reports, please contact us.