Rectal prolapse and perineal repair
You are transferred to a ward after your surgery. A nurse or nursing assistant checks your blood pressure regularly.
You are given pain medicine to control any pain or discomfort. You are also given laxatives to make sure you can go to the toilet comfortably.
You can eat and drink as soon as you feel able to.
You will be encouraged to move around as soon as possible.
Leaving hospital
You need to arrange for someone to collect you from the hospital when you have recovered from your surgery.
You can go leave hospital after you have passed wind and you have had a poo. Depending on your recovery, this might take a couple of days.
Eating foods rich in fibre, plenty of fluids and moving around, will all help you towards your recovery.
Your stitches are internal and will dissolve over time.
Recovery at home
You might need to keep taking your pain medicines and laxatives when you go home.
Recovery will be different for everyone, and can take 4 to 6 weeks.
You can do your usual activities as soon as you feel able to. However, you should avoid straining, lifting and strenuous exercise for at least 6 weeks.
You might have discharge or bleeding for up to 6 weeks after your operation, this is normal.
Do not take any rectal medicine or enemas for at least 2 months after your surgery, unless you've discussed this with your surgeon.
Contact a GP or go to your nearest emergency department (A&E) if:
- you have tummy (abdominal) pain
- the discharge becomes foul smelling
- you have a high temperature (fever)
Follow-up appointment
You will have a follow-up appointment about 6 to 8 weeks after surgery.
If you have not been given an appointment, call the GI surgery helpline on 020 7188 8875 or email
Resource number: 4340/VER4
Last reviewed: November 2024
Next review due: November 2027