
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)

ECMO is a temporary life support system used for people whose lungs have stopped working properly. The ECMO machine does the work of the lungs, allowing them time to heal.

We are 1 of the 5 centres for adult acute severe cardiorespiratory failure (ASCRF) and ECMO in England.

Our services include:

We work with other services, including:

Our team includes:

  • consultants
  • nurse consultants
  • cardiologists
  • perfusionists
  • dietitians
  • physiotherapists
  • speech and language therapists
  • pharmacists
  • psychologists
  • neuropsychiatrists

Health information

If your family member or friend is having ECMO, you can find more about:

  • the benefits and risks
  • what happens during ECMO
  • how we stop ECMO
  • permission (consent) 

Read our ECMO information for family members.

If you had ECMO, you might want to understand more about the possible complications and side effects.

Read our information for patients who have had ECMO.

Our consultants

ECMO consultants

Nicholas Barrett

Luigi Camporota

Nicholas Ioannou

Christopher Meadows

Richard Paul

Andrew Retter

Daniel Taylor

Stephen Tricklebank

Lung consultants

Boris Lams

Sangita Agarwal

Heart consultants

Gerald Carr-White

Gianluca Lucchese

Divaka Perera

Jessica Webb

Last updated: August 2023

Do you have any comments or concerns about your care?

Contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

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