
Gastrointestinal (GI) surgery

How to get an appointment

Your GP or another health professional can refer you to our service.

Changing or cancelling your appointment

Phone: 020 7188 8875

Email: [email protected]

Before your appointment

Your first appointment will include some tests and a health check. This will help us understand if you need surgery, or another type of treatment.

Please bring:

  • a list of medicines you're taking to your first appointment

During your appointment

Your appointment may be:

Your face-to-face appointment

Please arrive 15 minutes before your appointment and allow at least 2 hours.

You'll see a doctor or specialist nurse. You may see more than one member of staff during your appointment.

We'll check your health. This could include tests such as blood tests.

If we decide to refer you for surgery, you may need to go for a pre-operative assessment appointment on the same day. Please make sure that you allow time for this.

Your telephone appointment

If you have a telephone appointment, the doctor or nurse will aim to call you at the appointment time. They may call up to 30 minutes before or after. Please have your phone close to you during this time.

After your appointment

After your appointment we send a letter to you and your GP with details of what we talked about.

If you have further tests after your appointment, we’ll review your results and let you and your GP know the next steps. This could include:

  • carrying out further tests
  • being discharged back to your GP for any further care
  • having a follow-up appointment with our service
  • being referred to another doctor or health specialist
  • being added to our surgical waiting list

Do you have any comments or concerns about your care?

Contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

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