
Head and neck cancer

We support and care for you during your treatment for head and neck cancer.

Our service includes diagnosis and treatment for cancers of the:

  • mouth and lips
  • voice box
  • throat
  • salivary glands
  • nose and sinuses
  • back of the nose and mouth

Our team work together to give you and your family the best care. You may see more than one specialist during visits to our clinics. This is to reduce the amount of time you need to spend at hospital.

Our specialists include:

  • surgeons
  • oncologists (cancer doctors)
  • specialist nurses
  • speech and language therapists
  • dietitians
  • physiotherapists
  • radiographers

You may need to have surgery and other treatments, including radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Surgery may include:

You'll also have access to our dental and psychology services.

If you live in south east London, our community rehabilitation team provides advice and therapy after your treatment. This includes emotional support and help with swallowing and nutrition.

There is more information about support available on the south east London cancer alliance website.

Health information

We're committed to providing you with personalised cancer care. You can read more about what this means on our cancer care and support page.

There are national charities providing information and support.

Macmillan has advice about:

Cancer Research UK has information and support about:


You may need to stay in hospital on one of our wards during your treatment.

Esther ward or Blundell ward is where you will stay after a head or neck operation.

Hedley Atkins ward is where you will stay if you need to during chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

Our consultants

Mustansir Alibhai

Asit Arora

Alastair Fry

Teresa Guerrero Urbano

Jean-Pierre Jeannon

Anthony Kong

Mary Lei

Rafal Niziol

Richard Oakley

Imran Petkar

Miguel Reis Ferreira

Aleix Rovira

Ricard Simo

Research and clinical trials

Research is vital to improving the care that you receive when you're unwell. You can help improve healthcare by taking part in research studies at our Trust. During your appointment, ask your healthcare professional about research. They'll be happy to tell you about research studies you could be eligible to join.

You can also email headandneckresearchteam@gstt.nhs.uk for more information.

Last updated: September 2023

Do you have any comments or concerns about your care?

Contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

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