
Hearing implant centre

Your appointment

We offer appointments:

How to get an appointment

You can be referred by:

  • your GP
  • your local audiology or ear, nose and throat (ENT) service
  • another relevant health professional

We'll need details of a recent hearing test to accept the referral.

Changing or cancelling your appointment

If you need to change or cancel your appointment, please contact us as soon as possible.

Before your appointment

Please bring with you to your appointment:

  • any hearing aids and sound processors you use
  • a contact list of health professionals involved in your care
  • recent medical reports
  • a list of medicines you take

If you need an interpreter during your appointment, please let us know in advance. We can arrange interpreters for all languages, including British Sign Language (BSL).

If you find it difficult to lip read, please let us know. Our staff can type the information you need.

For video appointments we can use captions.

Your assessment

The assessment process will take place over a number of appointments. The expected length of time from referral to operation will vary depending on your needs and situation.

During the process the team will discuss the likely risks and benefits of a hearing implant.

See our videos about the assessment process for cochlear implants.

After your appointment

Once the assessment is completed, we'll send the team report to you and any professionals you have asked us to inform.

You'll be offered the next available surgery slot by the ear, nose and throat (ENT) admissions team.

We'll give you as much notice as possible before your surgery date. If you cannot accept the surgery date offered, we’ll offer you an alternative date.

Before your surgery, you'll need to have a pre-admissions check. This could take place weeks or days before your surgery. It often takes place on the same day as your final ENT appointment. At this appointment a doctor will make sure you’re medically fit for surgery.

See our videos about cochlear implant (CI) surgery.

If you have any queries after your appointment, please contact us.

Last updated: November 2023

Do you have any comments or concerns about your care?

Contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

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