Kidney and testicular cancer
Your appointment will take place in our kidney and testicular cancer clinic.
How to get an appointment
Ask your GP or hospital doctor to refer you.
Changing or cancelling your appointment
- Phone: 020 7188 2443
- Email:
If you do not attend your appointment, we'll either call you to find out the reason or offer another appointment.
If you do not attend your appointment for a second time, we may discharge you back to the referring doctor.
Before your appointment
Please allow at least 2 hours for your appointment, as you might need to have some tests.
You may need to come in for a blood test before your clinic appointment. We'll send you a letter if we need you to do this.
You should arrive 15 minutes before your appointment.
Please bring:
- a list of medicines and herbal remedies you take
- a list of medical conditions you're being treated for
- any letters you have about your medical history
You can bring someone with you for support.
Please let us know if you need help with translation and we'll organise an interpreter. Please see our visiting times guidance for up-to-date information on bringing someone with you.
During your appointment
Your first appointment is usually face-to-face and lasts 20 minutes.
Which member of the team you see will depend on your condition. It may be a urology consultant or senior doctor, a cancer doctor or a nurse specialist.
We'll do some investigations at your appointment. These might include:
- urine tests
- blood tests
- ultrasound scan
- X-rays
After your appointment, we might organise some more tests for you. This could include a:
These will be done on the day where possible.
We're a teaching hospital and sometimes students will be in the clinic to watch. Please let us know if you would prefer them not to be at your appointment. It will not affect your care.
Follow-up appointments usually take 10 minutes and may be done face-to face or on the telephone.
After your appointment
We'll send you, your referring doctor and GP a clinic letter. You'll either have a treatment plan in place or we'll arrange a routine follow-up appointment.
Our team meets to talk about your treatment needs when you're diagnosed with cancer. This is to make sure that everyone is offered the best treatment, including clinical trials where appropriate.
You can contact our specialist nurses for advice and support during your cancer treatment. You'll be given a main contact, known as your key worker. You can email or phone to arrange a time to meet in person.
Last updated: January 2024