Kidney and testicular cancer
Kidney and testicular cancer clinic
Phone: 020 7188 2443
Location: urology outpatients, 1st floor, Southwark Wing, Guy's Hospital, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT
Time: Wednesday, 2.30pm to 5pm
This clinic assesses, diagnoses and offers follow-up appointments for kidney and testicular problems.
These include
- benign (non-cancerous) problems, for example cysts requiring further assessment
- tumours requiring standard treatments
- complex cancers requiring highly specialised treatment
You can read more information about what to expect at your clinic appointment.
You need a referral from your GP or other health professional for this clinic.
We take referrals from hospitals throughout south east England. The clinic is led by urologists, cancer doctors, radiologists and specialist nurses.
Last updated: January 2024