
Lane Fox respiratory service

General home ventilation clinic


Lane Fox respiratory unit, ground floor, South Wing, St Thomas' Hospital, Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7EH

Lane Fox Remeo respiratory centre, East Surrey Hospital, Canada Drive, Redhill, Surrey RH1 5GW

Phone: 020 7188 3431

Email: [email protected]

Frequency: Monday to Friday

This clinic is by referral only and offers face-to-face, telephone and video appointments.

You may see a:

  • nurse to review your mask and other issues
  • technician to discuss any problems you’re having with your device and to service the equipment
  • doctor to assess your health and condition

This clinic is consultant led.

Specialist motor neurone disease clinic


Lane Fox respiratory unit, ground floor, South Wing, St Thomas' Hospital, Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7EH

Lane Fox Remeo respiratory centre, East Surrey Hospital, Canada Drive, Redhill, Surrey RH1 5GW

Phone: 020 7188 3431

Email: [email protected]

Frequency: Monday and Thursday

This clinic is by referral only and offers face-to-face, telephone and video appointments.

You may see our:

  • respiratory team to discuss home ventilation
  • specialist physiotherapist
  • dietetic team

This clinic is consultant led.

Cardio-respiratory neuromuscular clinic

Location: Lane Fox respiratory unit, ground floor, South Wing, St Thomas' Hospital, Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7EH

Phone: 020 7188 3431

Email: [email protected]

Frequency: Thursday

This clinic is by referral only and offers face-to-face, telephone and video appointments.

You may see our:

  • respiratory team to discuss home ventilation
  • cardiac team to discuss ECG and echo tests

You may also see the specialist physiotherapist or dietetic team.

This clinic is consultant led.



Lane Fox respiratory unit, ground floor, South Wing, St Thomas' Hospital, Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7EH

Lane Fox Remeo respiratory centre, East Surrey Hospital, Canada Drive, Redhill, Surrey RH1 5GW

Phone: 020 7188 3431

Email: [email protected]

Frequency: Wednesday and Friday

This clinic is by referral only and offers face-to-face, telephone and video appointments.

At this clinic you'll be assessed for a breathing machine. Please bring a carer or relative if they need to learn how to use the mask and machine.

This clinic is consultant led.

Post-polio syndrome (PPS) clinic

Location: Lane Fox respiratory unit, ground floor, South Wing, St Thomas' Hospital, Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7EH

Phone: 020 7188 3431

Email: [email protected]

Frequency: Tuesday and Friday

This clinic is by referral only and offers face-to-face, telephone and video appointments.

You may see a:

  • physiotherapist
  • occupational therapist
  • orthotist (expert in braces and splints for support)
  • specialist doctor or nurse

This clinic is consultant-led.

Physiotherapy clinic


Lane Fox respiratory unit, ground floor, South Wing, St Thomas' Hospital, Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7EH

Lane Fox Remeo respiratory centre, East Surrey Hospital, Canada Drive, Redhill, Surrey RH1 5GW

Phone: 020 7188 3431

Email: [email protected]

Frequency: weekly

This clinic is by referral only and offers face-to-face, telephone and video appointments. This clinic is led by a physiotherapist.

We support people with cough assist devices. Please bring your cough assist device with you to the clinic.

Aviation medicine clinic

Location: Lane Fox respiratory unit, ground floor, South Wing, St Thomas' Hospital, Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7EH

Phone: 020 7188 3431

Email: [email protected]

Frequency: Thursdays

This clinic is by referral only. We currently offer video appointments.

This clinic is led by Dr Peter Hodkinson.

Pulmonary hypertension clinic


Lane Fox respiratory unit, ground floor, South Wing, St Thomas' Hospital, Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7EH

Lane Fox Remeo respiratory centre, East Surrey Hospital, Canada Drive, Redhill, Surrey RH1 5GW

Phone: 020 7188 3431

Email: [email protected]

Frequency: Wednesdays

This clinic is by referral only. We offer face-to-face and telephone appointments.

This clinic is for people with suspected pulmonary hypertension, or high blood pressure in the lungs.

You'll see a consultant and clinical nurse specialist who'll go through your medical history and carry out a physical assessment.

They'll discuss your condition with you and explain:

  • further specialist tests you may need
  • treatments

Once we've carried out these assessments, we'll review your case and provide a final diagnosis and treatment plan. We'll follow-up with you regularly at the clinic to monitor your progress.

Last updated: June 2024

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