
Palliative care

Palliative care can help you, and those close to you, cope with the consequences of life-limiting illness.

We understand that family, spiritual and financial worries can be just as important as physical problems. We'll support with these and anything else that’s important to you.

Our team gives information and support for:

  • managing symptoms
  • planning care and treatment in advance
  • financial, emotional, social and spiritual support
  • supporting family members and those close to you
  • access to other services that could help you, such as complementary therapies, psychological support and additional support at home

We are able to see people living in Lambeth and Southwark who are registered with a Lambeth or Southwark GP. We are also able to see people in Guy's and St Thomas’ hospitals and in our outpatient clinics at Guy's Hospital.

Our team includes:

  • palliative medicine consultants
  • a specialist pharmacist
  • specialist nurses
  • junior doctors
  • social workers
  • administrative staff

To support our patients and those important to them, we work closely with health and social care professionals across our hospitals and local community.

Health information and support

Our treatment planning information helps you think about what happens when treatment is not successful and to have conversations about end of life care.

It includes short videos, developed with our staff and patients, about:

Our consultants

Irene Carey

Nick Gough

Stephanie Hicks

Shaheen Khan

Helen Thurkettle, nurse consultant

Heena Khiroya

Dominique Wakefield

Phoebe Wright

Research and clinical trials

Research is vital to improving the care that you receive when you're unwell. You can help improve healthcare by taking part in research studies at our Trust.

We'll also tell you about any research studies that you may be able to take part in.

Last updated: November 2023

Do you have any comments or concerns about your care?

Contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

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