Complementary therapies


We accept referrals for patients with a cancer diagnosis and whose main treatment is at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust.

We see people for up to 1 year after their main treatment. We consider referrals after 1 year if there is a special need.

We'll phone the patient within 6 weeks of receiving a routine referral.

Most of our therapies need a referral from a health professional.

GPs and other health professionals can email us to request a referral form.

We send all incomplete referrals back so please check with us if you need any advice.

Please make sure you:

  • complete the referral form with as much detail as possible
  • include details about diagnosis and stage of cancer
  • include a clear reason for making a referral and why you think we can help with your patient's wellbeing

If referring a family member or carer to our weekly relaxation sessions, we need:

  • full name
  • date of birth
  • phone number

We prioritise referrals if your patient:

  • has chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting or peripheral neuropathy
  • has problems that interfere with or prevent them having cancer treatment
  • is likely to have less than 6 months to live

Last updated: June 2023

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